Trespassing Across America

In September 2012, I stuck out my thumb in Denver, Colorado, and hitchhiked 1,500 miles north to the Alberta tar sands. After being duly appalled, I commenced my 1,700-mile hike south following the route of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, from Alberta to the Texas Gulf Coast. It would become a 4.5 month journey across the Great Plains. To follow the pipe, I couldn't take roads. I'd have to walk across fields, grasslands, and private property. I'd have to trespass across America.
The book is about my journey--fleeing from cows, taking cover from gunfire, and keeping warm on a very wintry and questionably-timed hike. But it's also about coming to terms with climate change and figuring out what our role as individuals should be in confronting something so big and so out of our hands. It's about taking a few months of your life to look at your country from a new perspective. Ultimately, it's about embracing the belief that a life lived not half wild is a life only half lived.
You can pre-order it here. For press inquiries, please contact Gwyneth Stansfield at