My first book review
Ilgunas returns with a heavily researched, passionate argument about the need for America to emulate many other countries and allow its...
Ken Ilgunas
Feb 12, 2018

George Washington
I wanted this book to go on and on. I’m a nut for presidential biographies, and this is one of the best… Washington was a flawed man in...
Ken Ilgunas
Jan 1, 2018

Best Books I read in 2017
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (1813) I’d already read P&P, and I was already thinking that I was done with old English lit., so I...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 25, 2017

Best books I read in 2016
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North (2014) Perhaps my favorite sci-fi book of all time. It’s about a man who gets to...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 15, 2016

Books for the 21st Century Environmentalist
Mashable has kindly published my list of recommended books for the “21st Century Environmentalist.” It’s interesting to see how...
Ken Ilgunas
May 21, 2016

The best books I read in 2015
501 Minutes to Christ by Poe Ballentine A collection of personal essays that chart the life of a real-life American itinerant. Ballantine...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 17, 2015

The best books syllabus
More and more, it's becoming a struggle to find a book worth reading. The classics no longer seem relevant to my life. Contemporary...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 28, 2014

The best books I read in 2014
I spent about the first quarter of 2014 researching books on the Great Plains—many of which were great, but few of which would interest...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 20, 2014

Book Recommendation: “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate” by Naomi Klein
Climate change fascinates me like nothing else. It is the defining story of the 21st Century. Glaciers are melting, oceans are rising,...
Ken Ilgunas
Nov 11, 2014

Book Recommendation: "What We Know about Climate Change"
Kerry Emmanuel is a professor of climate science at MIT. He was a registered Republican, but he recently changed his political...
Ken Ilgunas
Feb 4, 2013

The Best Travel/ Adventure/ Nature Books of All Time
[While it might seem like I’ve crammed three genres into this list, I believe that each transcends the others, (or at least they’re too...
Ken Ilgunas
Nov 25, 2009