Ken Ilgunas
Dec 30, 2020
Best Books I read in 2020
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer (1960) This is one of the best history books I've ever read. It relies almost...

Ken Ilgunas
Dec 29, 2020
Best Films I watched in 2020
I'm doing a better job cataloging the media I consume, so I have a better idea of all the films I watch from year to year. Here are my...

Ken Ilgunas
Dec 20, 2020
Wigtown Book Festival Podcast
I forgot to post a podcast I was on a few months ago. The Wigtown Book Festival (Scotland) was inspired to start a podcast because of the...

Ken Ilgunas
Dec 12, 2020
Bushcraft - shelter building
I'm enrolled in a year-long bushcraft course, in which we're learning all manner of things, including axecraft, clothes making, primitive...

Ken Ilgunas
Dec 9, 2020
Carrifran Wildwood
One of the most irritating rants I go on is about how ecologically impoverished the UK is. In America, it's not hard to find a mixed...
Ken Ilgunas
Nov 5, 2020
2020 election impressions
Thoughts and emotions as of this moment… It appears that Biden, now that he’s secured Wisconsin and Michigan, will win. What relief I...

Ken Ilgunas
Oct 23, 2020
A primitive understanding of manhood
Some men like Trump because they think he’s “manly.” (Click for NYT story about why many Latino men are drawn to Trump’s machismo.) What...