Trail riding in Texas
For the past week I’ve been working on a article for “GO,” Airtran Airline’s travel magazine. I flew down to Danciger, Texas (an hour...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 15, 2011

Images of Black Friday
This past Friday, in a moment of masochism, I went to the local Wal-Mart to bear witness to the horrors of Black Friday. I arrived at...
Ken Ilgunas
Nov 30, 2011

More images of Walden Pond
I was staying with a friend in Boston for, oh, a week and a half, so I decided to buy a $12 train ticket to Concord to visit Walden Pond....
Ken Ilgunas
Nov 30, 2011
Figuring out my political ideology
UPDATE: David, over at his “Into the Woods” blog, has a reaction to my post, which you can read here. *** In October of 2008 I moved into...
Ken Ilgunas
Nov 18, 2011

More thoughts on OWS
Since I’m currently staying with a friend in Boston, the other day I decided to check out “Occupy Boston” in Dewey Square. It was similar...
Ken Ilgunas
Nov 7, 2011

Salon: My stay at Zuccotti
I’m in Salon again. I did a story about my week in Zuccotti, which you can read here. I’m currently in Boston staying with my friend...
Ken Ilgunas
Nov 2, 2011

Rain and raid
After our march for solidarity with Occupy Oakland, the police have been hanging out more and more around Zuccotti. They’re gathered in...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 28, 2011

Solidarity with Occupy Oakland
On Tuesday October 25th, about one hundred demonstrators of “Occupy Oakland” were arrested and their encampment was torn down. Several...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 27, 2011

A tour of Zuccotti Park (Part II)
In the week I’ve been here, the site of the occupation has changed considerably. There are now street signs (Bakunin Ave, Jefferson,...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 27, 2011

The many initiatives of Occupy Wall Street
It seems like everyone is here for a different reason: for better treatment of animals, for better education, for climate change, for the...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 26, 2011

Stopping “stop and frisk”
The Occupy Wall Street Movement–initially written off as a bunch of white hipsters–has joined forces with black leaders and religious...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 24, 2011

A tour of Zuccotti Park
Today is my fifth day at Zuccotti Park (or Liberty Plaza). The Occupy Wall Street Movement is getting bigger and bigger. Every day, it...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 24, 2011
Occupying Wall Street
I got a ride from Coldfoot to Fairbanks — stayed with my friend Josh Spice for two days — flew to New Jersey — dropped off my laptop and...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 22, 2011

A tour of Coldfoot
After spending a week and a half in Ferry, I hitchhiked up to Fairbanks and guided a van tour up to Coldfoot. I’ve been here since....
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 15, 2011

After hitchhiking 600 miles and thirteen hours with a sheet metal worker from Deadhorse (who was en route to Wasilla down south), I was...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 9, 2011

How a piña colada almost killed me
Two weeks ago, I was on my hands and knees on the floor of Deadhorse Camp’s “coworker lounge,” trying to cough, or breath, or do so...
Ken Ilgunas
Oct 5, 2011

Escape from Prudhoe Bay
“It sounds like your inner Odysseus is lost at sea,” said Liam, the prize chef of Deadhorse Camp. I’d just let out a sigh—a desperate,...
Ken Ilgunas
Sep 12, 2011

How to afford college
Just this afternoon, a couple high schoolers writing for the youth section of an Indianapolis newspaper interviewed me, seeking ideas...
Ken Ilgunas
Sep 2, 2011

Two and a half days on the Sag
The Sag sags. It’s a gentle gurgle, a patient dribble, a sleepy two-lane road through a school zone. It leaks like blood from a wound....
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 30, 2011

Warning: If you major in English, you may just end up washing dishes in a working camp on the arctic
So, I’m a working man again. I just finished my first forty-hour week (of menial labor) in over five years. At Deadhorse Camp (which is...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 21, 2011