This is not a picture taken of me after going for a run, doing pushups, or eating my famed red-hot rice and bean tacos. This is me after...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 27, 2009

Reentering Civilization
Step 1: Shave off the beard. I’m back in North Carolina and back in school. Because I have a part-time job working with kids at an...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 26, 2009

Six days on the Noatak River
Day 1: Smoke Whitney and I were flying in the Park Service’s four-seated Beaver float plane en route to the Noatak River. Our objective...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 25, 2009

Rule of thumb #4
... in the mission to traffic "Joey" out of town Day 4: May 18, Tok, Alaska to Teslin, Yukon Territories (498 miles) My goals were...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 23, 2009

![Rule of thumb #3: Avoid drivers who “just got out” [of prison]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6759d9_661438d429b94f66a7a0474302049fa9~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_244,h_183,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/6759d9_661438d429b94f66a7a0474302049fa9~mv2.webp)
Rule of thumb #3: Avoid drivers who “just got out” [of prison]
Day 3: May 17, 2007. Delta Junction, AK to Tok, AK (111 miles) I said goodbye to Dirk and his family, snapped a picture of them, and held...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 16, 2009

Rule of thumb #2
Day 2: May 16, 2007. Coldfoot, AK to Delta Junction, AK (349 miles) I didn't like truckers. They were fat, obscene with waitresses, and...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 7, 2009

Berries and black bears
No matter how much time you spend in the Alaskan bush, you never really forget about the bears. Not entirely, at least. Of course, over...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 6, 2009

Rule of Thumb #1: Prepare for anything. Failure especially.
[In the summer of 2007 at the age of 23, I hitchhiked 5,500 miles from Alaska to New York. To preserve and share these memories, I’ve...
Ken Ilgunas
Aug 2, 2009

Arrigetch Peaks
Our three-seated Cessna 185 tightly circled around a couple of wolves lounging in the sun. If we were circling around them thirty years...
Ken Ilgunas
Jul 31, 2009

The Toe-Shot
My feet, to put it lightly, are not my most becoming feature. To be forthright, they’re downright hideous. The bottoms of my big toe and...
Ken Ilgunas
Jul 16, 2009

Beard update: Day 65
As you can see, I’ve been growing my beard out. For some reason, I’ve always been fascinated with facial hair (and bodily hair in general...
Ken Ilgunas
Jul 4, 2009

The Yellow Suburban
When I first saw James’s home, I was stupefied. It was my first summer in Coldfoot and someone—I forget who—showed me the yellow Chevy...
Ken Ilgunas
Jul 3, 2009

Chechaquo in the wilderness: Encounters with beaver and wolf
While assembling our tent, just twenty feet away, a wild animal hunched in a shallow brook stared at the strange bipedal...
Ken Ilgunas
Jun 21, 2009

The Mosquito Macarena
While waiting for our float plane at Grayling Lake, my fellow rangers and I were engulfed in a cloud of ravenous mosquitoes. Conditions...
Ken Ilgunas
Jun 12, 2009

Training Week
This is my second summer as a backcountry ranger and my fourth living in the arctic. I work at the Gates of the Arctic National Park....
Ken Ilgunas
Jun 12, 2009

The 24-hour hike
It’s odd how we sometimes journey to the ends of the earth to see something exotic and new while leaving the marvels and mysteries of our...
Ken Ilgunas
May 20, 2009
Financial Breakdown
“When you have bought one fine thing you must buy ten more, that your appearance may be all of a piece; but Poor Dick says, ’tis easier...
Ken Ilgunas
May 9, 2009

Goodbye, dear friend
And so my first semester comes to end. Looking back, I’m quite pleased with my decision to return to school. My brain, for the first time...
Ken Ilgunas
May 8, 2009

My first guest
I’ve now told eight of my fellow students about the van. I must say I do get some childish satisfaction from observing their reactions....
Ken Ilgunas
May 6, 2009

Will you be my neighbor?
I came across this van in my parking lot. I'm not sure whether to ridicule or envy him. That does look like some nice head-room...
Ken Ilgunas
May 5, 2009