Best Books I read in 2017
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (1813) I’d already read P&P, and I was already thinking that I was done with old English lit., so I...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 25, 2017

“The Last Jedi” Review
There will be spoilers. 1. It was a complete waste a time with hardly a redeeming quality. 2. There was no chemistry between any of the...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 23, 2017

On mean signs and our lousy democracy
[I wrote this essay a few years ago when I was living in North Carolina. It was for my photo blog, notrespassingsigns.blogspot.com. I...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 18, 2017

The Big Forces Theory
A little more than a week ago, Trump retweeted anti-Muslim videos, called a political opponent “Pocahontas” at a ceremony honoring Native...
Ken Ilgunas
Dec 11, 2017